How to talk to anyone (as an introvert)

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This short, digital course helps introverts (yes, you!) boost your people skills—without having to change who you are.

You will learn…

  • The step-by-step strategy to never run out of things to say

  • How to use your introversion as a strength in conversations 

  • What to do when you feel shy, anxious, awkward

  • How to be yourself in a conversation

  • A tried-and-tested method to expand your network… for the long-term

Why these topics?

Well, I remember coming home from a networking event in tears. 

It didn't go well. I walked in, did a lap, attempted to join a conversation (“sorry, this is a private chat”), then sneaked out. 

It felt so unfair. 

As an introvert, what looks natural to others (small talk, interrupting, “banter” over drinks) felt hard.

I guess… I just thought my introversion held me back.

Then I remembered something. At a past company event, I spotted a colleague comfortably chatting to a senior manager.  

I was amazed: she was as introverted as me!

So I asked her, “How’d you connect so easily with him?”

She was a little embarrassed, but she said, “I was so frustrated. All my friends were getting exciting jobs because of their network…  not me. So I started reading blogs, taking courses and… and I’m getting there." 

That’s when I asked her if she could help me.

And so began the process of learning to connect with others as an introvert. 

Most strategies are extrovert-biased... “Just put yourself out there! It’ll feel normal soon.” 

Excellent advice for someone who thrives on socialising.

But for those of us who only have limited energy reserves... this simply doesn’t work.

Instead of this...

  • Jumping out of your comfort zone by booking 3 networking calls in 1 week

  • Being the person who overshares in a conversation 

  • Freeze when an awkward silence happens... then leave

… try this

  • Research a community of like-minded people and commit to attending their events for 3 months

  • Observe your conversational partner’s body language and change topics based on their comfort or discomfort signals

  • Know that awkward silences are normal and use a strategy to restart conversation

I provide simple and straightforward guidance for navigating everyday conversations and social situations as an introvert. 

By the end, you’ll have tools, tips, and strategies you can immediately put to use in life.

Here’s a preview of what’s inside:

Part 1: Introversion & conversations

  • What is introversion? 

  • Understanding introversion in conversations 

  • The one thing you need to see real change

Part 2: Conversation starters & first impressions  

  • How to make a good first impression

  • How to start a conversation

  • What to do when you’re feeling shy and awkward 

Part 3: Small talk & keeping a conversation going 

  • How to make small talk

  • How to keep a conversation going

  • Exiting a conversation

  • Networking 

Part 4: How to be yourself in conversations

  • Managing your energy 

  • How to open up and be yourself 

  • Nerves and anxiety 

  • Being assertive & setting boundaries 


Why would I pay for this? Couldn’t I find the information on YouTube or books instead? 

Well yes, you could (and I encourage you to spend time doing that). But, there’s a difference between a “spray and pray” approach to learning, and intentionally developing your skills. 

Accelerated introverted-focused learning goes deeper: this is the ultimate guide for communicating confidently as an introvert. 

I’ve spent years learning & applying this knowledge. I discovered the hard way what works (and what doesn’t). I’ve practised until I’ve run out of words (quite literally). And this is the first time all that real life experience and learning has been put together in one easy-to-follow course.

Can I expense this? 

Yes! In fact I’ve pre-written an email template (found here) to make it easier to ask your manager.

How fast will I get results? 

It depends. Results come from changing your communication habits.

This is because when we're nervous, we automatically default back to what we know - our habits. And, to be very transparent, changing them can take a good few weeks.

But... the results are long-lasting.

It's a process. So take it step by step.

I'm rooting for you 🔆

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You'll get a 90+ minute video course with additional assets.

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Bonus: A deep dive into body language
11 minute video
Bonus: The Ultimate Networking Tracker
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How to talk to anyone (as an introvert)

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